Welcome to Cardinal Newman School Activity/Athletics Registration
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Physical Examination
Students registering for Athletics must have a current physical examination on file in this portal before the student is authorized to participate in practice/tryouts.
Physical Examination is valid for one school year; a physical examination must be completed on or after April 15 to be valid for participation the following school year. Please get your physical form from the link below and be sure to go to the doctor or doctors care to get the physical completed before starting to fill out the online portal registration and information above.
Physical Examination Form: Highlight the link and copy & paste into new webpage. Only use the physical form and not the history form, The physical form is what the doctor giving the physical will need to fill out.
SCISA Transfer/New Students Form: Highlight the link and copy & paste into new webage. This form is for students entering the 9th through 12th who are transfering from another school. If you are a current student in 8th grade at Cardinal Newman going into the 9th grade you do not need to complete this form. Once this form is completed please upload with the registration and email to Coach Deter (pdeter@cnhs.org).
If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address it to:
Philip Deter - Assistant AD
Email: pdeter@cnhs.org
Phone: 803-888-1636